Ichigo Kurosaki is a fictional character in the Bleach manga series and its adaptations created by Tite Kubo. He is the main protagonist of the series, who receives Soul Reaper powers after befriending Rukia Kuchiki, the Soul Reaper assigned to patrol around the fictional city of Karakura Town. These powers come at the cost of Rukia's own, and as a result, Ichigo concedes to work as Rukia's stand-in, fighting to protect people from evil spirits called Hollows and sending good spirits, wholes, to a dimension known as the Soul Society.
To activate his Bankai, Ichigo places the two blades of his Shikai side by side, causing a surge of energy to engulf him and the swords. Tensa Zangetsu takes the form of a khyber knife variation; the smaller black blade comprises the inner part of the sword and has the handle fixed to it, while the base of the sword is slanted and the blade continues with a section jutting out from the underside as a guard, with a chain attached to it that loops over the top and attaches right before the point of the blade.
Ichigo is one of the teenagers attending Karakura High School and having the ability to see ghosts. He meets a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki from a secret organization called the Soul Society who are in charge of sending souls to the afterlife. At the same time, Ichigo's family is attacked by a Hollow, a deceased spirit that became a warped soul-eating monster which Soul Reapers deal with.
By using this technique, Ichigo becomes Getsuga itself. It is referred to as the "Final" Getsuga TenshÅ due to the fact that, once used, Ichigo loses all of his Shinigami powers. For the duration of the ability, Ichigo's hair color turns black and rapidly grows to waist-length.